Congratulations My RSL Students
I would like to congratulate 4 new students aquiring there grade certificate, you deserved it after your dedication and hard work. You shourl be very proud of your selves.
I would like to congratulate 4 new students aquiring there grade certificate, you deserved it after your dedication and hard work. You shourl be very proud of your selves.
Well another great year passes by, some great new students as well as my current students. What’s new that has happened this year! Grades Grace Leech on her passing her Method Guitar course well done. Nathanial Thompson on passing your grade One, this year well done. Ian Bennet on passing your Grade 4 this year […]
I have been teaching for many years, and I have seen music go through so many changes in regards from vinyl record, audio tape – cassettes, CD – compact disk, MTV – music television channel via satellite & cable, Mp3 audio, to Youtube and streaming audio. What’s Changed Over this transition we have gone from […]
Guitar Interactive Video Interview. Watch these four intuitive interview videos and studio tour plus rig rundown interview, learn about Paul’s guitar, when he started guitar and right to the present his new album.
What does an album titled “Surfing With The Alien” and featuring the Silver Surfer on its cover got to do with surfing? Nothing at all.
In this lesson we are going to take simple three note arpeggios and learn how to play them seamlessly over three octaves. Not only will this lesson help expand your musical vocabulary, but it may also